Thoma Huynh

OpenAI Unveils SearchGPT: A New AI-Powered Search Engine

OpenAI has announced the launch of SearchGPT, a new AI-powered search engine. This development marks OpenAI’s entry into the competitive search market, potentially challenging established players like Google and emerging AI search tools such as Perplexity. SearchGPT represents a significant…

AI’s Growing Power Needs: Tech Industry’s Move Towards Nuclear Power

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a pivotal part of our daily lives. AI’s applications are vast and transformative, from virtual assistants that help us manage our schedules to advanced algorithms that predict market trends and…

ChatGPT-4 vs. Llama 3: A Head-to-Head Comparison

As the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) accelerates, large language models (LLMs) serve a significant need across different domains. LLMs excel in advanced natural language processing (NLP) tasks, automated content generation, intelligent search, information retrieval, language translation, and personalized customer…

Meta’s Llama 3.1: Redefining Open-Source AI with Unmatched Capabilities

In the realm of open-source AI, Meta has been steadily pushing boundaries with its Llama series. Despite these efforts, open-source models often fall short of their closed counterparts in terms of capabilities and performance. Aiming to bridge this gap, Meta…

Multilingual AI on Google Cloud: The Global Reach of Meta’s Llama 3.1 Models

Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms how we interact with technology, breaking language barriers and enabling seamless global communication. According to MarketsandMarkets, the AI market is projected to grow from USD 214.6 billion in 2024 to USD 1339.1 billion by 2030 at…

Scientists Develop ‘Material Fingerprinting’ Method Using AI and X-ray Technology

Materials, much like people, evolve over time and behave differently under stress and relaxation. Understanding these dynamic changes has long been a challenge for scientists, as the complex patterns of material behavior are often too intricate for human analysis alone….

Llama 3.1: Meta’s Most Advanced Open-Source AI Model – Everything You Need to Know

Meta has unveiled Llama 3.1, its latest and most advanced large language model, marking a significant leap in AI capabilities and accessibility. This new release aligns with Meta’s commitment to making AI openly accessible, as emphasized by Mark Zuckerberg, who…

Revolutionizing Your Device Experience: How Apple’s AI is Redefining Technology

Imagine a world where your device understands you better than you know yourself. This is not the distant future; this is now with Apple’s groundbreaking AI. Apple has been among the leaders in integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its devices,…

Optimizing LLM Deployment: vLLM PagedAttention and the Future of Efficient AI Serving

Large Language Models (LLMs) deploying on real-world applications presents unique challenges, particularly in terms of computational resources, latency, and cost-effectiveness. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the landscape of LLM serving, with a particular focus on vLLM (vector Language Model),…

Luma AI’s Dream Machine – Revolutionizing AI Video Creation

The adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly across various domains, and the video creation industry is no exception. From generating realistic animations to making intricate special effects, AI is changing how people create and interact with video…

A Cost-Effective, High-Performance Alternative to Claude Haiku, Gemini Flash and GPT 3.5 Turbo

OpenAI, a leader in scaling Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models, has now introduced GPT-4o Mini, shifting toward more compact AI solutions. This move addresses the challenges of large-scale AI, including high costs and energy-intensive training, and positions OpenAI to compete…

Why Do AI Chatbots Hallucinate? Exploring the Science

Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots have become integral to our lives today, assisting with everything from managing schedules to providing customer support. However, as these chatbots become more advanced, the concerning issue known as hallucination has emerged. In AI, hallucination refers…

OpenAI’s GPT-4o mini: AI Power Meets Affordability

In a move towards democratizing artificial intelligence, OpenAI has unveiled GPT-4o mini, a new cost-efficient small model. This latest addition to OpenAI’s suite of language models is designed to strike a balance between advanced capabilities and affordability, potentially opening doors…

Top 5 AI Hallucination Detection Solutions

You ask the virtual assistant a question, and it confidently tells you the capital of France is London. That’s an AI hallucination, where the AI fabricates incorrect information. Studies show that 3% to 10% of the responses that generative AI…

Understanding Large Language Model Parameters and Memory Requirements: A Deep Dive

Large Language Models (LLMs) has seen remarkable advancements in recent years. Models like GPT-4, Google’s Gemini, and Claude 3 are setting new standards in capabilities and applications. These models are not only enhancing text generation and translation but are also…

Overcoming Cross-Platform Deployment Hurdles in the Age of AI Processing Units

AI hardware is growing quickly, with processing units like CPUs, GPUs, TPUs, and NPUs, each designed for specific computing needs. This variety fuels innovation but also brings challenges when deploying AI across different systems. Differences in architecture, instruction sets, and…

Unveiling Neural Patterns: A Breakthrough in Predicting Esports Match Outcomes

In a groundbreaking discovery, NTT Corporation, a leading global technology company providing services to consumers and businesses as a mobile operator, infrastructure, networks, applications, and consulting provider has identified neural oscillation patterns that are closely linked to the outcomes of…

Flash Attention: Revolutionizing Transformer Efficiency

As transformer models grow in size and complexity, they face significant challenges in terms of computational efficiency and memory usage, particularly when dealing with long sequences. Flash Attention is a optimization technique that promises to revolutionize the way we implement…

DIAMOND: Visual Details Matter in Atari and Diffusion for World Modeling

It was in 2018, when the idea of reinforcement learning in the context of a neural network world model was first introduced, and soon, this fundamental principle was applied on world models. Some of the prominent models that implement reinforcement…

How Text-to-3D AI Generation Works: Meta 3D Gen, OpenAI Shap-E and more

The ability to generate 3D digital assets from text prompts represents one of the most exciting recent developments in AI and computer graphics. As the 3D digital asset market is projected to grow from $28.3 billion in 2024 to $51.8…

Beyond Scripts: The Future of Video Game NPCs with Generative AI

Non-player characters (NPCs) are essential in video games, providing depth and interaction within the virtual worlds we explore. NPCs, such as shopkeepers supplying goods or quest givers assigning missions, enrich the gaming experience. However, traditional NPCs often rely on predefined…

What is OpenAI’s ‘Strawberry Model’?

A leaked OpenAI project code-named ‘Strawberry’ is stirring excitement in the AI community. First reported by Reuters, Project Strawberry represents OpenAI’s latest endeavor in enhancing AI capabilities. While details remain scarce, insider reports suggest that this closely guarded secret project…

In-Paint3D: Image Generation using Lightning Less Diffusion Models

The advent of deep generative AI models has significantly accelerated the development of AI with remarkable capabilities in natural language generation, 3D generation, image generation, and speech synthesis. 3D generative models have transformed numerous industries and applications, revolutionizing the current…

Speed Meets Quality: How Adversarial Diffusion Distillation (ADD) is Revolutionizing Image Generation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought profound changes to many fields, and one area where its impact is intensely clear is image generation. This technology has evolved from generating simple, pixelated images to creating highly detailed and realistic visuals. Among the…

Meta’s AI Ambition Stalled in Europe: Privacy Concerns Trigger Regulatory Pause

In 2023, Meta AI proposed training its large language models (LLMs) on user data from Europe. This proposal aims to improve LLMs’ capability to understand the dialect, geography, and cultural references of European users. Meta wished to expand into Europe…

DeepMind Introduces JEST Algorithm: Making AI Model Training Faster, Cheaper, Greener

Generative AI is making incredible strides, transforming areas like medicine, education, finance, art, sports, etc. This progress mainly comes from AI’s improved ability to learn from larger datasets and build more complex models with billions of parameters. Although these advancements…

AMD Strengthens AI Position with $665 Million Acquisition of Silo AI

AMD has made a big move to strengthen its position in the AI space by buying Silo AI, Europe’s largest private AI lab. The $665m deal is a key part of AMD’s AI push. Silo AI was founded in 2017…

How Microsoft is Tackling AI Security with the Skeleton Key Discovery

Generative AI is opening new possibilities for content creation, human interaction, and problem-solving. It can generate text, images, music, videos, and even code, which boosts creativity and efficiency. But with this great potential comes some serious risks. The ability of…

MARKLLM: An Open-Source Toolkit for LLM Watermarking

LLM watermarking, which integrates imperceptible yet detectable signals within model outputs to identify text generated by LLMs, is vital for preventing the misuse of large language models. These watermarking techniques are mainly divided into two categories: the KGW Family and…

Pioneering Open Models: Nvidia, Alibaba, and Stability AI Transforming the AI Landscape

Artificial intelligence (AI) is profoundly transforming the world, and innovative companies like Nvidia, Alibaba, and Stability AI are among the leaders of this transformation. These companies are making advanced models accessible to a broader audience, advancing innovation, promoting transparency, and…

Meta’s LLM Compiler: Innovating Code Optimization with AI-Powered Compiler Design

The quest for efficiency and speed remains vital in software development. Every saved byte and optimized millisecond can significantly enhance user experience and operational efficiency. As artificial intelligence continues to advance, its ability to generate highly optimized code not only…

Google’s New Open Large Language Model

Gemma 2 builds upon its predecessor, offering enhanced performance and efficiency, along with a suite of innovative features that make it particularly appealing for both research and practical applications. What sets Gemma 2 apart is its ability to deliver performance…

Google Introduces Gemma 2: Elevating AI Performance, Speed and Accessibility for Developers

Google has unveiled Gemma 2, the latest iteration of its open-source lightweight language models, available in 9 billion (9B) and 27 billion (27B) parameter sizes. This new version promises enhanced performance and faster inference compared to its predecessor, the Gemma…

Camera System Mimics Human Eye for Enhanced Robotic Vision

University of Maryland computer scientists have developed an innovative camera system that could revolutionize how robots perceive and interact with their environment. This technology, inspired by the human eye’s involuntary movements, aims to improve the clarity and stability of robotic…

Code Embedding: A Comprehensive Guide

Code embeddings are a transformative way to represent code snippets as dense vectors in a continuous space. These embeddings capture the semantic and functional relationships between code snippets, enabling powerful applications in AI-assisted programming. Similar to word embeddings in natural…

Local Generative AI: Shaping the Future of Intelligent Deployment

2024 is witnessing a remarkable shift in the landscape of generative AI. While cloud-based models like GPT-4 continue to evolve, running powerful generative AI directly on local devices is becoming increasingly viable and attractive. This local execution of generative AI…

Building LLM Agents for RAG from Scratch and Beyond: A Comprehensive Guide

LLMs like GPT-3, GPT-4, and their open-source counterpart often struggle with up-to-date information retrieval and can sometimes generate hallucinations or incorrect information. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the power of LLMs with external knowledge retrieval. RAG allows…

AI Auditing: Ensuring Performance and Accuracy in Generative Models

In recent years, the world has witnessed the unprecedented rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has transformed numerous sectors and reshaped our everyday lives. Among the most transformative advancements are generative models, AI systems capable of creating text, images, music,…

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: Redefining the Frontiers of AI Problem-Solving

Creative problem-solving, traditionally seen as a hallmark of human intelligence, is undergoing a profound transformation. Generative AI, once believed to be just a statistical tool for word patterns, has now become a new battlefield in this arena. Anthropic, once an…

Oracle’s HeatWave GenAI: The Future of AI-Powered Databases

Oracle has recently announced HeatWave GenAI, a suite of generative AI capabilities integrated directly into its cloud database offering. With this release, Oracle becomes the first major player to embed large language models (LLMs) and automated vector processing within the…

Can AI Get Humans to Mars?

Mars colonization has been a hot topic lately, and not just in the pages of sci-fi novels. Some researchers believe humans could live on the Red Planet someday. Many assert that artificial intelligence will be instrumental in reaching that exciting…

AI News

EvolutionaryScale Secures $142M to Advance Generative AI in Biology

EvolutionaryScale, an artificial intelligence startup focused on biology, has announced a successful seed funding round, raising $142 million. The company aims to leverage generative AI models to drive innovation and accelerate discoveries in the field of biology. With this significant…

Hyperrealistic Deepfakes: A Growing Threat to Truth and Reality

In an era where technology evolves at an exceptionally fast pace, deepfakes have emerged as a controversial and potentially dangerous innovation. These hyperrealistic digital forgeries, created using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), can mimic real-life…

Top MLOps Tools Guide: Weights & Biases, Comet and More

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is a set of practices and principles that aim to unify the processes of developing, deploying, and maintaining machine learning models in production environments. It combines principles from DevOps, such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and…

10 Things to Know About Claude 3.5 Sonnet

4. Vision Capabilities Reach New Heights Claude 3.5 Sonnet marks a significant advancement in AI vision capabilities, surpassing its predecessor Claude 3 Opus on standard vision benchmarks. This improvement is particularly evident in tasks requiring complex visual reasoning, such as…

Deploying Large Language Models on Kubernetes: A Comprehensive Guide

Large Language Models (LLMs) are capable of understanding and generating human-like text, making them invaluable for a wide range of applications, such as chatbots, content generation, and language translation. However, deploying LLMs can be a challenging task due to their…

The Rise of Neural Processing Units: Enhancing On-Device Generative AI for Speed and Sustainability

The evolution of generative AI is not just reshaping our interaction and experiences with computing devices, it is also redefining the core computing as well. One of the key drivers of the transformation is the need to operate generative AI…

AI in Manufacturing: Overcoming Data and Talent Barriers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming the foundation of modern manufacturing with unprecedented efficiency and innovation. Imagine production lines that adjust themselves in real time, machinery that predicts its own maintenance needs, and systems that streamline every aspect of the…

Generative AI and Robotics: Are We on the Brink of a Breakthrough?

Imagine a world where robots can compose symphonies, paint masterpieces, and write novels. This fascinating fusion of creativity and automation, powered by Generative AI, is not a dream anymore; it is reshaping our future in significant ways. The convergence of…

Understanding Sparse Autoencoders, GPT-4 & Claude 3 : An In-Depth Technical Exploration

Introduction to Autoencoders Photo: Michela Massi via Wikimedia Commons,( Autoencoders are a class of neural networks that aim to learn efficient representations of input data by encoding and then reconstructing it. They comprise two main parts: the encoder, which compresses…